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This year's Ramadan, the ninth month in the Muslim's Hijra Calendar, may start on the 23rd or 24th day of April 2020, depending on the appearance of the new moon. Fasting during this holy month is among the pillars of which the Religion of Islam is built.
It is narrated from authentic sources that the Holy Prophet Mohammad (Sallallaahu 'Alaihi Wasallaam) said, "If one informs another about Ramadan first, hellfire will become haraam for that individual." Alhamdulillaah.
Muslims all over the world will fast everyday during the month of Ramadan. The fast begins from dawn to dusk on specific time of the day prescribed by Islamic authorities. In Islam, fasting means abstaining from food and water intake, as well as from carnal desire, in addition to all that is prohibited by Allaah. Instead, men should keep standing in prayers and keep the praising the Names of their Creator.
Thanks to those who did their duty by forwarding the information to me and to others.
May the Almighty Allaah make hellfire haram for all of us. And may He save us from the ongoing deadly virus and other illnesses plaguing the whole world. Ameen walhamdulillaah.(MNY)