Have I forgotten to post "Happy Holidays" to our diversed Filipino Peoples?
As a reverred old Indonesian saying goes, "Bhenika Tunggal Ika," we Filipino peoples MUST UPHOLD that adage which means "Unity in Diversity."
We are peoples of varied culures and civilizations, yet live side by side together and cannot be separated, blame that to cruel circumstances of history.
If we truly want peace, respect the cultures and rights of each other. Christians respect the Non-Christians and Muslims respect the Non-Muslims: If you are a Muslim, you should make a non-Muslim feel you are one with him, and a Christian should do the same. After all, we live in the same country and no one can say this is his and not other's.
Let Peace reign in our midst. Help us God. (MNY)
If we truly want peace, respect the cultures and rights of each other. Christians respect the Non-Christians and Muslims respect the Non-Muslims: If you are a Muslim, you should make a non-Muslim feel you are one with him, and a Christian should do the same. After all, we live in the same country and no one can say this is his and not other's.
Let Peace reign in our midst. Help us God. (MNY)